borinda  7346

Plum ‘Winter Crack’

 (syn. ‘Winter Creke’)


Possibly the ancient variety described in John Parkinson’s herbal of 1629 as “the last plum of all sorts”. Few records since that time.

It was identified and has been subsequently propagated by fruit specialist Derek Tolman after it attracted attention in late November 2011  when an exceptionally heavy crop was seen still on trees, in a garden in Tansley, Derbyshire.. This season it  still had plenty of fruit in good condition at 4/1/19.

It forms a medium sized tree, capable of being propagated by suckers and may possibly also come true from seed.

It appears to be self-fertile and produces heavy crops with little attention. The fruits are about an inch (2.5cm) in diameter and ripen to red or pink in late autumn and sometimes still good to eat in December..

A most interesting rarity which seems very hardy and easily grown for its fruit and has potential as a blossom tree. Being slightly thorny, it may also be useful  for incorporation into windbreaks or hedges.

A full description can be found on through which grafted plants of ‘Winter Crack’ can be purchased. This site also lists the many other historical fruit varieties collected by Derek and Judy Tolman at Bernwode Fruit Trees. 





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Whitelea Nursery, Tansley, Matlock, Derbyshire.                Telephone:    01629 55010                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Updated 9/5/2019