Pseudosasa japonica

Pseudosasa japonica

(syn. Arundinaria japonica & Bambusa metake )


Introduced in 1850, this is probably the most useful and
adaptable species of bamboo.

Sometimes known as "Arrow Bamboo".

Growing in rather dry woodland conditions, our own plants have remained as tidy clumps for 25 years, showing no tendency to run. Under the more favourable conditions of most gardens however, it is likely to be moderately spreading, forming a steadily expanding clump or grove. It can be readily controlled if necessary.

Steadily gains height to reach about 12ft.(4m). Tolerant of trimming.

Very distinctive and easily recognisable. Always looks exotic and is especially effective during  the winter months. 

Easily grown in sun or light shade. 

Dense, upright habit and large leaves.

 RHS. award.

Has tolerated -24C. and has some potential for use in maritime locations.

A valuable specimen plant, also very suitable for  hedges or screening  and adapts well to  being  grown in containers as long as attention is given to feeding. 

Because of its great usefulness and adaptability, we normally  produce this species in a wide range of sizes.













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 Whitelea Nursery, Tansley, Matlock, Derbyshire.                Telephone:    01629 55010                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Updated  2/11/2019