Fargesia murieliae

Fargesia murielae 'Ja Po 72'  and  'Ja Po 51'



Fargesia murielae 'Ja Po 72'          (syn. ‘Blue Lizard’ & ‘Blue Dragonscale’)

An extremely promising new introduction derived from a diverse batch of wild seedlings found in Hubei Valley in Central China around 1998 and recently offered for sale in limited quantities after trials in Germany.

It  may be either a very distinctive new clone of Fargesia murielae or possibly a natural hybrid between Fargesia murielae and another species.

Upright growing habit, forming a dense, rather vase shaped bush.

Distinctive white culm sheaths rather similar to those of  Fargesia robusta.

The mature height is expected to be around  2.5/3.5m  ( 8/11ft).

Leaves are dark green with a slightly blue tint. They are larger than the type, reaching  about 6/8cm long x 2.5/4cm wide.

Valued on the Continent for its winter hardiness and is believed to have tolerated -24/28C.

Suitable for sun or light shade.

Great potential for use as a specimen plant or screen. Also suitable for large containers – preferably 100L or more.

Limited availability at present.


Fargesia murielae ‘Ja Po 51’          (syn. ‘Red Zebra’ )


Young culms have attractive purplish brown tints, contrasting with white or light purple culm sheaths.

May possibly be slightly taller than .Ja Po 72'  but otherwise the same as above.

Very limited availability at present.


Fargesia murielae ‘Ja Po 51’



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   e-mail:     sales@uk-bamboos.co.uk  

Whitelea Nursery, Tansley, Matlock, Derbyshire.                Telephone:    01629 55010   

Updated  27/6/24