Borinda grossa KR 5931


Borinda grossa aff. (grex B) KR 5913

A tall, non-running bamboo collected by Keith Rushforth in the Nyingshi district of Tibet and introduced via Ness Botanic Gardens.

Height is expected to be between 6m.and 10m. and diameter of the culms about 2 to 3cm.

Has tolerated -20C. 
In their first season culms are green with a grey waxy bloom. The upper parts are tinted reddish- purple. They form a broad, open clump and are at first upright but later arching.

A rare specimen plant or tall screen suitable for sun or light shade.
Important in its native habitat for weaving into bamboo mats which are used for roofing or drying grain.

Very limited availability.


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Updated  24/2/246

Whitelea Nursery, Tansley, Matlock, Derbyshire.                Telephone:    01629 55010