Fargesia scabrida
( syn. Borinda scabrida )
An extremely useful new introduction not yet widely available.
A non-running bamboo which forms a broad, steadily expanding clump.
Appears to be fully hardy.
Forms plentiful thin, upright culms which are dark green with contrasting reddish brown stem sheaths and orange side shoots.
Very distinctive dark green, willowy leaves.
Average mature height 12 ft. (4m) but can sometimes reach 16ft.
Average spread in 10 years 100cm ( 3ft)
Suitable for sun or light shade.
An interesting specimen plant and ideal as a dense screen of between 3 to 4m high (10 to 12ft.)
Rather slow to propagate and not yet available in quantity.
Sometimes distributed under the name of 'Asian Wonder.'
Unlikely to be available before 2022.
e-mail: sales@uk-bamboos.co.uk
Whitelea Nursery, Tansley, Matlock, Derbyshire. Telephone: 01629 55010
Updated 9/9/2021