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Semiarundinaria yashadake


A first rate specimen plant or screen.

Upright culms generally reaching around 4/5m at full maturity.

Canes initially dark green but sometimes maturing to dark brown of almost black.

Forms a broad clump or small grove. 

Vertical bushy habit and plentiful foliage.

.Very similar in appearance to  Semiarundinaria fastuosa but its culms are slightly thinner and  not quite so tall .  

A tough and adaptable species suitable for most soils. Has tolerated -22C.

Sun or light shade.

Height around 13ft. (4m).


Can be grown in large containers. 

Limited availability.



          Semiarundinaria yamadorii



This species closely resembles S. yashadake but may have a more arching habit and a greater tendency to run.

Culms are yellowish green.

Height about 12ft.(4m).

Useful as a  vigorous screen.

Limited availability.


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Whitelea Nursery, Tansley, Matlock, Derbyshire.                Telephone:    01629 55010                                                                              Updated  23/8/2021